
District Exceeds State Average in Third Grade ELA Proficiency, Improves in Florida Ranking

For the first time in 18 years, third grade students at District-operated schools outpaced the state average in the English Language Arts Florida Standards Assessments (FSA). The District also moved up from third to tie for second place among the seven large urban school districts in Florida.

Sixty-four percent of District-operated elementary schools showed an increase in proficiency. In particular, English Language Learners made substantial gains. 

The District’s average proficiency rate was 54% compared to the state average of 53%. The District believes that 100% of students have the potential to read on grade level and will continue to work toward reaching that goal, in addition to these recent gains.

Ninety-eight percent of the District’s third grade students participated in the SY22 reading and writing assessment. Some of the schools that achieved the largest gains from SY2021 to SY2022 include:

• Pioneer Park Elementary School more than doubled its third grade proficiency rate with an increase of 28 percentage points.

• S.D. Spady Elementary gained 24 points, while reducing the number of level one readers by nine percentage points.

• Morikami Park Elementary third grade students had the District’s highest proficiency with 93% performing on grade level or above.

Read the full executive summary for more details, including information on the performance of all elementary schools.